Friday, January 14, 2011

Glue and Other Sticky Situations

So this is how my week has been.  A long, long week. Here is a peek of things that have happened...

1) Child peeing on the floor...
2) Multiple children deciding it is cool to run naked IN FRONT OF DOORS AND WINDOWS...
3) Construction paper glued to son's room...
4) All 3 toddlers on time-out at one time...
5) Dog eating stuffed animal Alpaca only 10 minutes after getting it in the door...
6) Daughter not getting caught up with school work to take music lessons...
7) Husband started grad school full-time.

Positive highlights...
1) Able to spend time with oldest 3 children at PA Farm Show...
2) Beautiful snow...
3) Praise and Worship...
4) Friend/Sitter ~ Brooke...
5) Getting chance to have mom for supper...
6) Cleaning (my vacuum had stopped working)
7) Children remembering Bible lesson taught several days ago.

Life is never dull but well-seasoned!!

I found myself several times this week resorting to just saying "ARGH" and raking my hands through my hair. (And since I forget when the last time I showered was kinda oily! I know, I know...gross but it's the truth!)

I also had a lot of this which I mentioned earlier...

It didn't matter which child was sitting on a chair they all wound up there at some point!

On a much different note I am reading about homesteading. Not the law side but the live-the-land side. Learning the how-to's of gardening and backyard farming. You see, I need to gather the DETAILS to entice my hubby. I love animals. Period. I wanna have some chickens, maybe a goat, possibly a pig but I have to gather the facts first. Which a website/magazine like Mary Janes Farm allows me to do just that.
I learned in this issue that by utilizing wooden pallets (which are usually free) and by some car canopies found at your local WalMart you've got your pen. Quite ingenius huh? ;)

I am also looking at my yard wondering the best position for the size garden that I want. After all...feeding a big family requires LOTSA food! The kids enjoy the feel of the dirt and seeing the plants grow so it's a win-win. I'm making my list!!

Also reading some really great books right now in regards to adoption. The two current reads are Adopting the Hurt Child by Gregory Keck and the other is Twenty Things Adopted Children Wish Their Adopted Parents Knew by Sherrie Eldridge. Insightful and to the point. Propping the book while feeding the baby seems to be the way it's happening right now.

So that's it in a nutshell. My life. All the ups and downs, hopes and aspirations right there. Well  *smile, chuckle* we'll see what happens next week.

Blessings to all of you!!!


  1. You ate your mom for supper!? :)

    I hear TX has some nice land for homesteading. Just sayin'. If I knew how to put a link in here I would show you a house on 8 acres where you would be my neighbor (you know, if I buy the house & 8 acres next door) Just think of the awesome garden we could have if we work together. My kids plus your kids = many hands make light work. :)

    cough cough


    The books you are reading sound good. I'm still trying to make my way through Radical. Good book, little time.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have no idea what i am doing on here! I wanted to thank you for everything though and let you know how happy I am! This web page stuff is really neat and it is amazing! Blessings don't always come when we want them to......but they come when the time is right! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
