Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Helping daddy & posing for mama.

Kayleigh showing off the pine cone she throws to Max.

Dominic working in the garden. Long sleeve shirt and shorts of 2 different jammies. That's Dominic.

The princess ~ Adriana ~ using daddy's sledgehammer in the garden. Why????

So there has been a lot of time spent outside lately. The weather has been wonderful and is awesome for having them sleep soundly!! ;)  Just wanted to share some fun times. I CANNOT WAIT  to post pics of our little "big" 6 month old soon as the adoption goes through. He makes some adorable faces looking like a sumo wrestler! Talking with the caseworker recently we are hopeful that the adoption will take place sometime early fall? This is the part where I just want to snap some magic wand and all the court procedures would be done.  That tomorrow would be the "Gotcha" day and everything would be official. *Sigh* It doesn't work that way. Paperwork & procedure still take a lot of time.

Meanwhile life goes on and the kids, when inside, still find things to get into. Like paint. Dominic watched daddy open a can of paint and wanted to be just like him. Yep~ purple paint ended on the cement floor, the toybox and freezer in the basement. Really?? Really?!?!?!?
Yesterday, the same child, decided to clog the drain~ AGAIN~ with water spilling down over the sink and through the flooring, down the hall and into the basement steps. I sat on the toilet and cried. Then shut the water off for the rest of the day. I don't take readily to crying but just needed that release yesterday. He was quite quiet and cleaned up the water with bath towels without complaining at all.
Later that day I remember the song that was in my heart on Sunday. "You Hold Me Now'  worship song reminded me again that Jesus was there for me. What a wonderful reminder!

Hoping for a little less drama tomorrow~

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