Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Saturday we had a picnic. Not just any picnic but one for the agency that we are apart of with foster care. I took all 5  kiddo's by myself while Jason worked on his paper for grad school. Thankfully he was able to write the rough draft and will only have to tweek it later on this week.
Of course, the picnic is held at the same location every year but I still stopped to double check the directions. Can't help it ...memory loss! :)

Lots of yummy food, fun games and catching up with people who are helping children and families.  We saw the caseworker who placed our first two children so that was a real treat.

Adriana waiting for candy/peanut scramble.

This was what they saw....

She didn't seem overly thrilled....can ya tell?

Maybe because her group didn't leave her much.

Proud of her candy...

He lined EVERY piece on the table just so...

The only picture I was able to get of Kelsey....she doesn't like her pictures taken.

Foster care is anything but normal. One phone call can change your life and one phone call can place you on an emotional rollercoaster. That is how I feel right now. On an emotional rollercoaster. One phone call. From our WONDERFUL caseworker but one phone call and there may be visits with a possible father. One phone call and the adoption that we thought could take place in possible September could not. Is this some sort of game?? That maybe the paperwork was forwarded to the mother and now we are being tortured? I question so many things. So many whys and then I question why I question when we are being held by the One who has ALL the answers. Please don't think that I don't care about the birth parents because I do. With all my heart. I just am keeping it real.

For all the children no matter what,

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