Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Naptime for for mom

I love the afternoons when all is quiet and I get to finish my list of things to get done. Such a WONDERFUL time.

So far today the middle 3 have learned the letter C, their phone number and (for the most part), how to organize their name. I use the Heart of Dakota curriculum which is about a 30 minute lesson plan. However, when you have interruptions it does take a little longer.  ;)   We read about Abraham and how he obeyed God from the New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes. Then it was time for the fun stuff...cutting and using glue! Kelsey and I wrote each one of the children's names on construction paper and then had each child trace the letter with their finger. Next, we cut between each letter and mixed the letters to have them learn how to spell their name. This part was met with some frustration for Dominic & Adriana but Kayleigh decided that this was the coolest part. Dominic and Ana didn't like that their name was cut! I mean, how dare mom mess up their beautiful name. (As if my whole purpose was to annoy the livin' out of them!! is a BIG deal to 2 and 3 year olds!) So moving on to the next challenge was the same concept but with our phone number. And the cool part about memorizing your phone number for the kids is to put it to music. So to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" the children are memorizing their phone number. LOVE IT!!
Next came learning about the number 3. Along with learning a letter with each unit the children get to learn their numbers as well. So, we cut out luggage (went with the letter song) to paste on our number 3 page. But because the children are learning about the letter "C" I had them find, cut out, and glue that to their page as well.

All the cool pages will be kept in a book for them to see what they have learned. (Once I do that! )

In addition to all that Jason was home today with muscle spasms/strain/?????
I knew he was in pain because last night actually took medicine!! Seriously?!? It is nice to have him home and he does like to see how our day operates when he is not here. He got to feed the baby and read to the children for a little and is also planning his next project...renovating the kitchen. I asked him when he is planning on doing this and the comment was 2-3 years. So I smile and think some painting projects will be in the forecast for me. Hey ~ paint goes a long way!  :)

I guess it is time for me to get to my menu planning and stop re-setting the dryer for another 20 minutes as a stall tactic. *Sigh*
Reheating coffee....

There are two things to do about the gospel - believe it and behave it.
                   ~ Susannah Wesley

1 comment:

  1. Oooh! I like the idea of cutting out their name and having them put it in order. Hannah used to spell her name properly but then she realized that she had two of each letter and now she just writes HHAANN :)

