Saturday, September 24, 2011

Musings of a busy mom

For what seems like forever I keep telling the little ones to go back to bed. And blah, blah, blah some other lame excuse is given. Need a drink of water, gotta go potty, can't sleep, too hot/cold, etc etc. To me ~ it's my time so please don't ruin it. I am sorry to admit that lately I have been selfish in my nap time "me time". Tired, tired and more tired. I don't wanna change another pamper, take pee soaked undies to the laundry room I just want me time.

And then...God speaks. When, dear child of mine, did you pay attention to me? Oh crap! ( being real...just keeping it real.) How about the other day when I had to use the bathroom God. I had toilet devotions then. Does that count? How about the praise and worship songs that we sang the other day to entertain the baby? It was sincere!

What this last paragraph of mine is just my selfishness to a Saviour who is the most wonderful patient being. One that time after time I fail and He just is there.

I don't always desire to write what is so raw and crappy in my own life but pooping and praising Jesus at the same time is not exactly devotions to me.  (No pun intended.) So many times I get caught up in daily life. You know. Dinner, dishes, laundry, school and it's activities, hubby, children, meetings, support groups, and sometimes sleep. Coffee is a necessity

Please don't get me wrong. I love my Jesus! There are so many things to DO that my focus needs adjusted and the alignment then becomes correct. (What a duh statement but so true.)

So as I have my coffee I plan to drift of into a world of adventure. Where things happen today that happened then and maybe, just maybe, my sweet husband and children will awake to a mom ready to charge the world again.


Six years , five kiddos and a dog later we still love each other no matter what!

Our engagement picture over six yrs ago.

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