Saturday, July 16, 2011

Blessed quietness

During the midst of the recent burglary, my hubby working full-time, going to grad school part-time, raising 5 children and chasing our dog, Max, we needed a break. 

So after securing reliable sitters, we took off for a meal out and one night by ourselves. 

We relished not doing anything. Seriously! We got to be in this beautiful little cabin with nothing but the sounds of nature to soothe us. Oh and a fan for noise. We watched Fiddler on the Roof and forgot that us thirty-somethings stayed up long past our normal five child bedtime. 

Still singing "Sunrise, Sunset" the nest day (because through the movie, we get to go to theater) we just are. We are a couple. A couple who get to sleep at whim, to drink coffee on a beautiful deck and do whatever we want for this time.  He naps. I read. Oh yeah!!! 

Thanks to the wonderful couple who are such a blessing and provide a neat place for us to recharge. Your blessing has enriched us and we are so grateful!!


  1. sounds heavenly! I was just looking at the ages of your children, they are about like my children's ages! You def are one busy mom! :) So glad you got to have that time away, I would love to do that myself!

  2. Yay for a night away! I hope you were able to return refreshed.

  3. Loved catching up with you today:) This is a great blog and glad that you both had tome to relax. This is a great picture of you both! Love ya girl! Crystal:)

  4. Glad you both got a break! The kids are sooo beautiful and i love these pictures. Please call me when you can.
